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Ask Sue - Q's & A's



Christy asks: Isn't recovery going to be boring?

Sue Berger


The simple answer is no. But what I think you are really asking is will you be able to adapt to a slower lifestyle. For most addicts the process of obtaining a fix is a never-ending battle. Finding ways to get what is needed is both demanding and stressful. This lifestyle leads to adrenalin dependence much like that of addiction. 

When you are clean you do not experience the continually stressed state of wondering where and how you are going to obtain your substance of choice. At first this is a real culture shock. It will be helpful to keep busy going to meetings, church, small groups, movies etc. Although it will take a little time, your psyche to adjust and life will not seem to be going in slow motion.

In time you will discover that there is so much more to life than you were experiencing.  The pace of a clean life is slower, but the quality is so much more satisfying.