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Rays of light - Sue's Blog

Free As The Wind

Sue Berger

Yesterday a motorcyclist pulled up beside me as I was driving to church. When the light turned he sped off wind blowing back his hair and whipping the fringe of his chaps. At that moment I had an intense desire to be on the back of his bike.

I knew that I really didn’t want to go for a cycle ride but recognized that the visual effect was definitely causing an emotional reaction.  As I contemplated how I was feeling I realized that I have the same reaction to visuals of horses racing, white water rafting, soaring eagles and jets speeding in formation. I want to somehow push out of the limits of my flesh.

I don’t think I am unique in these experiences. I think we all have a desire to experience the thrill of complete freedom.  Freedom from stress and entanglements, and sickness, pain, suffering, monotony and so much other crap that this life can entail. We want to escape. It’s not an unreasonable desire.  We get a little taste when we go to the movies, or immerse ourselves in a good book, or a multitude of other diversions we have developed over time. But as you know, we can’t stay continuously in the middle of a book, or watch a movie for the rest of our lives.

I think these longings signify something we all have in common. I think we corporately want to all be free of the negative forces in our universe and then be free to move about in it as we desire.  In my opinion this is a universal longing for a realm where death and evil do not exist. Only in a realm where there is not fear of death or harm can we experience true freedom. A place where all interaction with others is that of love.

Many ascertain that Heaven is just a myth created to sooth our longing spirits but I don’t agree. I think the longing for a Heaven like realm is the corporate inner knowledge that something more exists.  We some how intuitively sense that this life is not the fulfillment of what life should be. It certainly has it’s blissful moments and seasons, but no one thinks it’s as good as it can be. We long for more.

The Bible says in Ecclesiastes 3:11;  “He has made everything beautiful in its time. He has also set eternity in the human heart; yet no one can fathom what God has done from beginning to end.”

 I for one am looking forward to that most amazing awesome adventure. I’m sure it is going to be the ultimate ride.



Does God Tweet?

Sue Berger

I woke up this morning with the question "Does God Tweet?" imprinted on my brain. Now I have never tweeted nor have I seen anyone else tweet, but I don't live in a cave so I have some idea of what tweeting is. Where this thought was coming from I had no idea. But it wouldn't go away.  So I am asking God...... What do you mean, do you tweet?...... Is this some kind of trick question?....... Am I getting senile?........ Who wonders if God tweets?

Consequently, after doing some investigating I am of the opinion that God might be the original Tweet Master.  He most definitely has a following! According to Google, Katy Perry and Justin Bieber are competing for the lead with around 60 million followers each. However, God with  approximately 3 1/2 Billion followers is undeniably in First Place. He simply has more followers than any other group, organization or the total of all the movie stars and other religious leaders combined.

Of course God does not limit Himself to 140 characters in His dialog. He has a whole book of advise and counsel. Remarkably one can find one sentence gems on almost every page. The book of Proverbs is virtually full of Tweets and everyone of them instructive. 

I think God is constantly trying to tweet with His followers. Most of us unfortunately haven't signed up. Here's my advice if you want to get God's tweets.

  • Tell God you're interested in what He has to say.
  • Acquire a Bible in a version you like and understand.
  • Set aside 5-10 minutes to read daily.
  • Start with Proverbs or a small book in the New Testament.
  • Read until their is a sentence that gives advice or instruction.
  • Write out in one or two sentences what you think God has said.
  • Think about this and how you would tweet back for the rest of the day.
  • Repeat daily.

Over time you will not only start to hear and understand what God is trying to say to you but I believe His messages will start to get very personal.




Is There Life After Recovery?

Sue Berger



When my friend Rose called and ask if I might be willing to come into the county jail and take Christy’s place helping her teach the ladies Bible Study I had to smile at the irony.  Christy was currently sensing God leading her in a different direction so Rose needed another partner.  After praying, I told Rose that I would be honored to take Christy’s place.  When we all met a few weeks later at the jail we had a really good laugh.  In fact I laughed and cried intermittedly through the whole Bible Study.

Why?  Because I had met Christy 19 years before when I was leading this same class and she was the one in jail. Christy at that time was a serious alcoholic and crack addict facing 11 years for “Dealing in Stolen Firearms and Uttering a Forged Instrument Over $50,000”.  Her life was on a fast moving train headed to destruction.  She was in and out of relationships, alienated from her family, separated from her young son, staying drunk and high and afraid to face the future. Christy was dead inside and one step away from death physically.  But that all changed when she made a decision to follow Jesus instead of chasing the dragon.

I asked Christy recently “What is your life like now? What has changed for you?”. 

Her answer: “What hasn’t changed! Everything I was seeking turned out to be Jesus. Because of my relationship with Him I now have a life beyond my dreams. I have been married for sixteen years to a wonderful man. We’ve had our struggles as all married couples do but our relationship is solid and amazing.

 I am reunited with my son and have a marvelous bond with him and my stepson. I have been able to show them that it is not about being perfect but about knowing there is a way out through Jesus.

 I have a terrific social life with lots of close intimate friends I can rely on, and also with my family.  I lead a weekly Bible Study with my husband and I am now a pillar of my community and church”.

So yes, there is life after recovery.  A much better life!  So looking at your life. Is it all you hoped and dreamed for? If the answer is no, then we are offering another way. A new life through Jesus, who is able to transform you from the inside out.