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Free As The Wind

Rays of light - Sue's Blog

Free As The Wind

Sue Berger

Yesterday a motorcyclist pulled up beside me as I was driving to church. When the light turned he sped off wind blowing back his hair and whipping the fringe of his chaps. At that moment I had an intense desire to be on the back of his bike.

I knew that I really didn’t want to go for a cycle ride but recognized that the visual effect was definitely causing an emotional reaction.  As I contemplated how I was feeling I realized that I have the same reaction to visuals of horses racing, white water rafting, soaring eagles and jets speeding in formation. I want to somehow push out of the limits of my flesh.

I don’t think I am unique in these experiences. I think we all have a desire to experience the thrill of complete freedom.  Freedom from stress and entanglements, and sickness, pain, suffering, monotony and so much other crap that this life can entail. We want to escape. It’s not an unreasonable desire.  We get a little taste when we go to the movies, or immerse ourselves in a good book, or a multitude of other diversions we have developed over time. But as you know, we can’t stay continuously in the middle of a book, or watch a movie for the rest of our lives.

I think these longings signify something we all have in common. I think we corporately want to all be free of the negative forces in our universe and then be free to move about in it as we desire.  In my opinion this is a universal longing for a realm where death and evil do not exist. Only in a realm where there is not fear of death or harm can we experience true freedom. A place where all interaction with others is that of love.

Many ascertain that Heaven is just a myth created to sooth our longing spirits but I don’t agree. I think the longing for a Heaven like realm is the corporate inner knowledge that something more exists.  We some how intuitively sense that this life is not the fulfillment of what life should be. It certainly has it’s blissful moments and seasons, but no one thinks it’s as good as it can be. We long for more.

The Bible says in Ecclesiastes 3:11;  “He has made everything beautiful in its time. He has also set eternity in the human heart; yet no one can fathom what God has done from beginning to end.”

 I for one am looking forward to that most amazing awesome adventure. I’m sure it is going to be the ultimate ride.